Runner hit by Fair Batted Ball with bases loaded
2016/7/15 16:39:17
Bases loaded, one out, batter hits ball, all runners leave bases, but the runner leaving first, attempting to advance to second base, is struck by the ground ball. The runner is ruled out, batter gets first, but what happens to the runner who advanced from second to third, and does the run score from third?
Hi David,
When a runner is hit by an untouched batted ball before it passes an infielder (exc F1) the ball is dead, the runner is out, the b-r is awarded 1st base and all other runners return to the last base touched at the time of the interference. In all likely hood here you would still have bases loaded with 2 outs.
If it passes an infielder (exc F1)and no other defensive player had an opportunity to make an out the ball would remain live and we play on.
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