Lookback rule clarification
This question pertains to ASA fast pitch 12-U girls. The lookback rule uses the word "immediately" when describing the runners options to advance to the next base or return to the base left after the pitcher has the ball in the circle. I have often seen a runner on first base move slowly (walk)toward second base to draw a throw from the pitcher when a runner is on third base. Or a runner may take tiny steps when returning to a base. How slow may a runner advance or return to a base and still be in compliance with the rule?
Thanks for the question.
This is your judgment. If they are messing around, you may politely tell them to get going or have a conversation with their coach to have them "get going immediately or they may be called out". If they aren't going immediately (what you consider immediately) back to the base, then perhaps if you call that runner out one time, they'll never do that again.. I guarantee it! :-)
I thought of it this way, when you boss or significant other says to do something immediately, you don't doddle to see what they are going to do to you right? Perhaps apply the same thinking here. After all, immediately means, "without delay".
I hope this answers your question, if not please reply.
scoring a squeeze bunt
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