Tie game
A 7 inning 14U softball game ended up in a tie and could not be completed because of darkness. The game will be resumed on Saturday. Can any players not present at the first game but on the roster play in the resumed game or are they banned. Did all of the players need to be declared prior to the first game or can the other team argue that they were there. If the other team attempts to put in a player in a position in the batting order or in the field how do I argue and when.
Hi Dominick,
Any player on the roster can play in the game, they need not have been at the "1st" game.
Just do legal subs, ie #1, 2 and 3 can't be at the continuation of the game but #4, 5 and 6 who are on the roster but weren't at the 1st game can sub for them. Or if #4 is a much better player than #1 and they're both at the game sub 4 for 1.
Another senerio #1 started the game in the 2nd batting position, 5 subbed for 1 in the 4th inning, stayed in the game but can't be in the continuation, if you want to use #1 they have to re-enter for 5 in the 2nd batting position just as if the game had not been postponed.
base coach leaving the coaches box
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