Pitching Question - High School
Hi, Tom. I just wanted clarification on the bringing the hands together item for pitching. In an earlier answer, you indicated that the ball had to go completly in the glove. Could you provide the rule for that, please, as I cannot locate it and an umpire for one of our games indicated that the hands only need to come together in front, i.e., touch, for one second, not go all the way into the glove. Unfortunately, I cannot locate either one and must be looking in the wrong place in the book! Thanks!
To me together means the hands come together, not merely touch. I asked several people to bring there hands together and they either brought them together as if praying or clasped their hands together.
The reason that I took so long to answer your question, is I have spent considerable time trying to find the wording to support my interpretation of the rules. I also checked with some other umpires local to me, some agreed, some didn't. I also checked with an online umpires forum and without an exception together meant merely touching at some point.
So, unless somebody can show me a ruling differently, I am changing my position on this, touching for one second is enough.
I liked how it was explained to me by one umpire. If they just touch, they better clearly touch and touch for at least one second. If the ball goes completely in the glove then out of the glove for the pitch, it was in the glove for one second.
In any case, don't rate me to low for knowledge on this one.
Now I have to go back and revise my original post.
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