illegal bat use during turnament
we are currently in tournament . the other team was using an illegal bat for hitting . they scored 3 runs on this hit . she was not called out only told not to use the bat again . when we brought it to the attention of the head of the league she said there was no asa rule she could find on this . can you help me is there a ruling on this .
Sorry for the delay in answering this, some how I missed it.
An illegal bat should not be treated lightly, serious injury can result from its use.
This is how it should be handled.
That batter should have been disqualified for the remainder of the tournament.
If prevoius batter have used the bat, only the current batter is called out.
If I was umpiring, the batter would be called, out, ejected, and all runners returned to their bases and the runs removed from the scorebook.
A player should be called out if they enter the batters box with an illegal bat.
pinch hitting
Lights Shut off during a play