softball coach
what are some advantages and disadvantages of a softball coach
Hmmmm, interesting question...if not a little loaded. :)
I coach as well as play on other teams, so I can certainly let you know my opinions here.
The primary advantage to coaching is that you are in-charge. You are "the man", or woman, as the case may be. You get to make the assignments, do the line-up and pick your team - that's the advantage to coaching. The disadvantage is that you have to make the assignments, do the line-up and pick your team. All of the administrative stuff is fun too....NOT! Okay, that's a little fun-poking, but it's also true.
Coaching can be quite of bit of work, especially for a co-rec league where you have to man a team. People pay to play, but most people now-a-days are very busy with home-life and work so they can't always make it to the games and you may, more than once or twice, be faced with a forfeit if you have not made the proper allocations.
Personally, I enjoy just showing up and playing without any pressure so if you can find a GOOD coach, I would let them do it. But it really is a personal decision. Coaching "can be" a lot of work if you have a difficult team to manage, but it also has it's perks. If you haven't coached before I highly recommend doing it at lease once or twice, it really gives you a different aspect to the game. I have a deal with another guy on my team, I coach one season, then he coaches. We pass it off to one another so neither one of us gets burned-out. I recommend this avenue the most.
Good luck and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask. :)
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