batters box rulling
Could you please explain some of the batters box rulings
1. When Contact is made with the pitch, does a foot have to be completely outside the box to be considered illegal contact or just a portion.
Foul Ball rulings A player pops up a fly ball to the catcher, if the ball is going to land in the batters box they must make an attempt to leave so the catcher or other fielder can make a play correct
2nd question how high does a fly ball have to go in ASA to the catcher to be considered a catch? Thanks for your time.
Hi Zach,
The foot may be in the air or on the ground w/ any part of the foot touching any part of the line considered in the box. If the foot is on the ground completely outside the lines, it is an out.
if they can, you bet the have to let the catcher or anybody else attempt to field the ball (they cannot intentionally hinder the catcher or anybody else while in the box) otherwise interference
3rd q :) if it's not sharp and direct to the catcher's glove it is a fly ball. Def. a batted ball foul or fair that rises into the air.
hit by line drive while at 3rd base
Missing a base / force out ?