fast pitch pitching distance
I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Maybe this is a stupid question. I'm trying to find the pitch distance for fast pitch softball. I know it is 43 feet, but my question is from where to where? 43 feet from the front of the rubber, back of the rubber to the front of the plate or to the back corner of the plate? I assume its from the front of the rubber to the front of the plate, but I want to be sure. Thank you for any assistance.
Hi Charles,
Thank you for your question. You made a wise decision to investigate how to determine fast pitch pitching distance before you set up your ball field or bull pen! For all distances, including 35', 40', 43', and 46', pull a non-stretching tape from the rear tip of home plate to the front edge of the pitching plate.
Scott Kelly
16U fast pitch softball size and weight
catcher infraction