follow up Q to intentional dropped untouch ball
If you can't answer the question to usssa then answer the asa. Thanks
Hi u
That I can do, this is a fairly rare call,
the b-r is out 8-2-j When an infielder intentionally drops a fair fly ball, including a line drive or a bunt, which can be caught with ordinary effort with first, first and second,first and third or first, second and third bases occupied with fewer than two
EFFECT: Dead ball, runners must return to the last base touched at the time
of the pitch. If an infield fly is ruled, it has precedence over an intentionally
dropped ball.
The ball cannot be intentionally dropped unless the fielder has actually
caught it, and then drops it. Merely guiding the ball to the ground is not an
intentionally dropped ball.
So in ASA the defense must actually legally catch the ball and then purposely drop it.
Since you cannot have an IF on a LD or bunt this covers it (protects the runners) if you have runners in those positions but not an IF and the ball is intentionally dropped.
I understand u-trip is very similar but am not an expert on their rules.
runner out
Girls Fast Pitch Softball