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Phsycing up before a game

2016/7/16 9:58:10

hi i play pretty much any position in the forwards from 1-7. But have been playing at tight head prop to develop strength. i find that when a team is realy in my face and winding me up, a switch is pulled in my head and i play my best rugby. But the problem is i can't seem to get in this mindset before a game. could you give me any tips for getting phsyced up before a game then please?

Mr Dickinson,

First I must apologize for not being timelier in this response.  My job has sent me back to the United States for a long leadership course and I was jus not able to do the research and answer your very interesting question until now.

The issue is arousal, that collection of mental, physiological and behavioral responses to non-specific sensory stimulation.

Your term 損syched up?actually refers to the mental state that activates or drives a physical response from a state of low arousal (being a couch potato) to high arousal (coming into a ruck).  It is important, especially before a game, not to become over stimulated, or over aroused.  This will cause 損eaking?  Do not allow your arousal process to be misdirected (usually through fear or anger) or too intense.

Your basic question is how do you develop that arousal (excitement, alertness, responsiveness, etc) before the game.

As a coach, I have discovered that is one of the most difficult pre-game tasks.  I am sure you have played on teams that seemed to come out at the whistle going very strong and others that take twenty minutes to get started.

There are several aspects to this arousal, but two that may be helpful to you.

The first is mental and deals with the concept of visualization.

Imagine yourself in the game situation.  Start from the whistle and just mentally following through the patterns of play (kick off, to ruck, to second phase, to ruck, etc).  Imagine the entire experience, not just the motion and technique of your play.  Insert as possible memories from the other senses, such as the smell of the pitch and your sweaty peers, the feel of the contact, the sounds inherent while you are playing (for me that sometimes that is simply hearing my heart beat).  You will find that your body will to react to this.  

Some people use pounding bass based music to for stimulation.  I can not say for sure that this works, some studies indicate that it really doesn't.

The second is physical arousal.  An effective way is pre-game drills that simulate game contact.  This is normally going into contact drills using tackling back or rucking bags.   Basically go into contact (tackling or going into a power step) at a high level of intensity.  Continuously do this for about five minutes.  Ensure is stimulated enough that you are breathing harder and a light sheen of sweat has developed.

Like anything else, you need to find what works for you.  When I played football, some of the players would get psyched up by whamming their heads on their lockers.  That technique never worked for me.

I hope this helps a little.

Deane Shephard

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