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General Hooker play

2016/7/16 9:57:39

Hi there. I recently started playing hooker but i played flank at high school. Any tips for how to throw line outs more accuratly an straighter aswell as general hooker play around the field?

Hi Marco I recently answered the throw in question so I pasted it below.

As for general play a hooker can play much like a flanker only he should be a little more committed to the rucks and mauls than a flanker. Your general field play shouldn't really be much different. Depending on your teams tactics for the day if the game you guys want is expansive and open running then play looser like a 3rd flanker. If the team wants a more tight style with emphasis on set play and forward domination then play more like a 3rd prop. Make sure the team does choose the tactic it wants to play so you are all on the same page.

Previous question:

I am a hooker and cant get power on my throw ins i can get the ball to the first pod easily but have trouble getting the ball to the second pod.Also since I'm a smaller guy i cant ruck bigger guys off the ball do you have any tips to help me.Thank you for your help.
Answer:  G'day miles,

Power will come with a combination of strength training and practice

Triceps exercises using weights will help the arms as well as a very strong core.

Distance power can be achieved via many reps of throws. Get a bag of balls and go to a tennis court or gym and mark a spot on the wall.

Throw at the spot starting at the distance you are most accurate at with maximum power. Take a step back and get that dialed in. Then take a another step back.

The results may take a months to come but they will come if you consistently work at it.

Another drill is to grab your locks after training and do the same drill to them.

To aid in accuracy make sure your jumper presents you with a clear target. If a jumper's hands are waiving all over the place your throws will be too. Get the jumper to put both his hands together making a "butterfly" shape with his thumbs touching. That is your target. focus on that. This is very important in long throws.

Also there are some fantastic lineout drills at www.coachingrugby.com   it is free to sign up, go to the drills section for lineouts.  
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