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2016/7/16 9:57:33

hi there thank you for taking the time to read this question.

I'm kyle im 13 years old and im a scrum-half for my school , local team nd the whole region but i'm still strugling i could do with some help.

im not very confident with my codes or tackling wich is a big let-down when it comes to game time because they are 2 very key issues is there any way u could help me please.

thank you kindley


Hi Kyle

Thanks for the question. I will put some information below about tackling that I have answered before. I suggest going through some of my old questions to see if they will help you.

I didn't get what you meant by "codes". Was that a spelling mistake? Please clarify as I would like to help.

I have recently answered a question like this so I pasted it below, the same applies to you. In particular to wing make sure you "shepherd" the play to the side line. If you miss the tackle there is a better chance the player will step out or get caught by a team mate in support.

"I suggest the simplest thing. When a player is moving towards you (or vice versa) do not look at their body as a whole, instead focus on the point of center between their hips. Often a coach will tell you to "eyeball" the "string of their shorts". This focus will allow your brain to only register the runner's center of gravity: the "mass" of their torso. No matter what a runner's arms, legs or head does the torso is usually stagnant.

Keep you feet active, stay on your toes either moving towards them or running in place. Close the space between you and the runner swiftly but stay in control. This is to limit the runner's options as much as possible.

Focus on the "string of their pants" and drop your center of gravity to set up the hit. Aim the shoulder to that string.

so summarize:

1. keep the feet active "live"
2. focus on the "string of their pants"
3. drive the shoulder to the "string of their pants"

Let me know how it goes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: By the way... I showed this to my friend, the other wing, and he asked me what if the opposition fends you, are there any particular technique for tackling someone who's going to fend you?

Answer:    Good question,

First if you see the fend coming drive in harder with the legs and duck the shoulder a bit more to drive it in up and under the arm pit or trunk of the runners body.

Anything will work if done with enough force so if the runner gets a good reach on you grab the runner's jersey aggressively and hang on. If your grip is secure drop your weight and drag them down. Either way you are at the very least slowing them down so support can assist.

In any tackle keep to your feet as much as possible and drive into the runner to put them off balance.

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