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Lineout and srum drills

2016/7/16 9:57:31

I was wondering if you could give me some drills to use for my team that will teach the basic skills used in both line outs and scrums. Not just putting guys in lineouts and scrums but drilling the elements needed in both . Thanks alot

Hi Kevin sorry for the delay in getting back to you. There is a lot to go over in a question like yours. One practice alone will not do it and I am not able to analyze what your team's weaknesses are to be able to give advice  on what to work on.

That would probably be a good place to start: work on the weaknesses. Film games and analyze them to see what goes wrong.

After set drills are don and every one has their timing down it is a good idea to have live drills. Get the reserves to play in opposition and get them to really go for the ball. If they steal it great, that shows how to steal opposition ball and you can work on preventing it as well. Get the guys thinking about strategy and skills to steal opposition ball and keep your own. It is not enough to just get timing right and then go through the motions.

Here is a link to a good site on all things rugby:


Also try www.coachingrugby.com   sign up and they have live drills you can use. Also google "Rugby Drills" there is a wealth of sites with drills.

Also review some of my old answered questions as a lot of them have specific comments about set piece play.
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