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Tight propping

2016/7/16 9:57:27

Hi, I just wanted to ask what muscles are most important for being a prop? Im assuming legs and chest, as I want to know what groups I need to improve on to improve my overall game.
Furhtermore I would like to ask you in what way I can improve my scrummaging ability as a tighthead prop.
Many thanks!

By far the greatest strength you need is your core: abs, obliques and very importantly all your back muscles (these are more important to scrummaging than chest muscles.

Take a look at a pro rugby player (prop) there chest is big but relative to their back the back is huge, big lats, delts, trim strong back.

Next is flexibility - especially the legs, hammies, and calf.

For a tight head to be good he need to be VERY strong and FIT. the Point of a tight head is to keep the loose head opposition prop as low as possible and either be pushing him back or at least keeping a steady platform.

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Practice on the scrum machine at hitting in as low a possible with a straight back, head / eyes up, ass no higher than your shoulders and back level with the ground.

Own the scrum, call the scrum in, you must hit in slightly ahead of the hooker and take the loose head opposition prop down as low as you can without dropping the scrum.

Strength, Flexibility, technique, fitness, confidence: key essentials to the tight head. Watch plenty of prop rugby, the All Blacks Carl Hayman is the best in the world so keep an eye on him during games and get your own games filmed as well to study your form. A camera at practice is also a good idea.
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