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i need help

2016/7/16 9:57:17

i need help finding a proper way ho hook the ball and getting my stance right..can you help me?

Hi Andre,

You've asked my favourite kind of question, Hooker questions...

Anyway, whereas in the scrum, your props have an equal stance, you must have one foot in front of the other. Now, this depends on what your stronger foot is, and how you want to hook the ball back.

If you are left footed like me, then, you place your left foot forward, then, when the ball is placed in the scrum, you can either place your foot on top of the ball and roll it back (like playing the ball in league), or you can place the outside of your foot and try and hook it back that way.

If you are right footed, then it is either extremely easy, or an amazingly difficult task depending on the direction you are going.

To hook with the right foot, then all you simply do is reach around your standing leg, and kick the ball with the instep of your foot.

That should help, if not, feel free to follow up.
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