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Going pro

2016/7/16 9:57:04

Hi all

I'm 15 and I play for my school team at the moment but my coach and team mates keep telling me that I should consider going pro but I don't know where to start and how to get into a good team. Can I also have some suggestions about good playing techniques for flankers and full backs (possibly wingers as well as on a club team I will probably be very small as I'm only 5'6)

I don't think size is an issue when it comes to rugby, if your friends and coaches think you are ready to step up to pro-rugby you must have some skill. My advice for you is to increase your awareness of the game, this means watching or video taping a few games that you are playing or even getting someone to video  tape your opposition before you play them. Look at playing more smarter by playing your opposition on of his position, by being more aggressive and faster.
The best playing technique for any player is reading the game, watching what they are doing on defence and attack. Keep a close eye on you opposite player.
If your size worries you, try to work on your speed, spend time talking to sprinters or a track coach in your area or read up about it online.
I remember a very good player called Christian Cullen who was not a big guy, but ran from his try line and scored a try...yes in a game of 15s. Most specialist soldiers are not big guys, they are welled skilled and well drilled.

If I was coaching I would rather have a good fast guy your size rather than a big huge useless player.

Hope that helps
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