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What should I do to get started

2016/7/16 9:57:03

Hello I am 6`3 and 210 pounds at 15 years old.I am not a fast sprinter but my endurance is really good. I am very strong. My coach wants me to be a lock and I was wondering if this is the right position for me, and if it is then what i can do to get started and improve

Hi Bill, looks like you are a big young fellow. With not so much speed I think lock is a good start. From there you can learn the game without the heavy contact of prop and you will not need the skills a flanker or #8 needs.

Learn here and be open to staying at lock or moving to prop. If you train hard you might pick up some speed. With game knowledge, ball skills and some more speed you could think of #8 in a couple of seasons.

Talk to your coach about it but I suspect he has done you right by starting you in Lock. Read through my previously answered questions especially on tackling, get really fit and view as much rugby as you can. There are lot of other good websites you can get information from like:

www.coachingrugby.com and ALLWAYS feel free to ask me more questions.

Rugby for Dummies is also a good book if you do not know rugby and it may help your parents / supporters with the new game you play.
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