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speed / pro rugby

2016/7/16 9:56:57

i asked u a question before i think im 15 yrs old i play prop. ive begun weight training and it's made a huge difference. My coach at my club used to play at a high level. after a session he told me he thinks i shud send a resume to the japanese rugby union USA rugby or try to get into The england youth teams throught the regional teams whcih i am currently in at the moment. i also want to ask about training to improve my speed i think i can run 100 metres in about 13 secs but that was last year and i was carrying an injury. i can accelrate quite quickly i want to improve maximium speed


Hi Khrys,

With regard to sending your resume out: I would achieve as much as you can in England first, the youth team and more. Japan will pay more for that. USA: no money. No matter what a club promises trust me it is not a reality here. At best you will get some cash labor job and a place to stay, maybe a car to borrow. You can think of it as a working holiday that you happen to play rugby during. It will also not really help your rugby. Japan will pay more but again you will probably stunt your rugby knowledge.

Can I suggest going as high as you can in England and then taking a gap year in New Zealand. You might be able to even work and go to University. I think your university (if you end up going to one) will have more information or you could try going on line I think the NZ Government has it set up so you can go there.

This will expand your rugby knowledge and might help contribute to a better contract back in England.

If you have more questions about this let me know. As for sprinting I would consult a athletics club sprint coach, look up the local club or your school coach, they are usually happy to help. Make sure that injury  heals.

Short high intensity sprints. 20 yards no more, 3 sets of 6-8 reps. Warm up well. Work the intensity from 75 to 85   5
and then do 3 reps at 100
and then warm down well.

Stand on a park bench. Step off and sprint off hard for about 10 paces  or 10 yards in forward, right and left angles. Get a mate to call randomly "left", "right" straight etc.

You can get some good  speed drills online Google: "Plyometrics" and books on Amazon.
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