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Mouthguard for Braces?

2016/7/16 9:56:43

Hey Tony!

Thank you for volunteering to be an expert, I really enjoy reading your
answers and you've been a great help!

I was just wondering if you might happen to know if there is a special type of
mouthguard for people with braces?

Also, I am starting out rugby soon, I am 16, 175cm and a bit on the light
side, only 56 kgs (~120lbs). I was wondering if you could give me some
advice as to what I can eat to gain more weight and I am working out at home
but I am not sure how many sets or what type of exercise would benefit me
in preparation for rugby. I have 2 10 pound dumbbells at home.


Hi Ivan, yes there are special mouth guards that you can wear you will have to visit an orthodontist or maybe go to a chemist/drug store to see if they have any. you may find the following

*  Stock mouthguards are typically the least expensive. They offer some protection, but they do not grip the teeth, and it can be difficult to keep them in place unless you bite down on them constantly.
* Boil-and-bite models fit more closely around the teeth and this makes it easier to keep them in place. However, when you bite into the hot mouthguard to give it the right shape, you reduce the thickness of the device. This, in turn, may reduce the level of protection.
* Custom-made mouthguards are the most expensive, but they have a better fit, which means better protection and more comfort.

As for training, start first with running, make a small fitness chart and gauge yourself. Run long distance one day and then small sprints the next day. Add in Press ups, sit ups and Burpees, use your weights for alternate days.

So your chart should look like this.

Day 1, 20 Minute run, 3 x 10 Press-ups, 3x 10 situps, 3 x 10 Burpees.

Day 2, 5 Minute jog, 5 x 50m sprint, 5 x 20m sprints, 5 x 10m sprints.
      5 Minute warm down run

Day 3, 25 Minute run 4 x 10 Press-ups, 4x 10 situps, 4 x 10 Burpees.
      5 minute warm down run

Day 4, 5 Minute jog, 5 x 50m sprint, 5 x 20m sprints, 5 x 10m sprints.
      5 Minute warm down run

Day 5 Rest or a brisk walk

Day 6, 20 Minute run, exercise with your weights
      lie on your back.
      4 x 10 Chest press
      1. Lying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above   chest, arms extended.
      2. Lower dumbbells to chest in a controlled manner.
      3. Press dumbbells back to starting position and repeat.
      4. Avoid locking elbows.

      4 x 10 Flat chest Rises
      1. Lying flat on bench, hold dumbbells directly above chest.
      2. Bend elbows slightly and maintain throughout the exercise.
     3. Open arms to sides. Elbows should remain 'locked' in a   slightly flexed position.
      4. When upper arms are parallel to floor, return the weights to   the starting position and repeat.

       4 x 10 Seated shoulder presses

       1. Sit upright on bench with dumbbells over head. Make sure  back is flat.
not     2. Lower dumbbells slowly to shoulders.
       3. When arms are at 90 degrees, press the dumbbells back up and repeat

        4 x 10 lateral raises

        1. Stand upright, knees slightly bent, shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells at sides.
        2. Bend elbows slightly and raise the dumbbells out to sides. Keep elbows slightly bent throughout.
        3. When arms are parallel to floor, slowly lower back and repeat.

        4 x 10 Half squats
1. Holding dumbbells at sides, stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart.
2. Bend from knees until thighs are almost parallel to the ground (avoid letting knees turn inwards).
3. Keep back flat, lower back slightly arched inwards and head up.
4. Return to upright position and repeat.

        4 x 10 lunges
1. Holding dumbbells at sides, stand upright with feet slightly less than shoulder width apart.
2. Step forward about 2 feet with one foot and bend knee to about 90 degrees. As you plant your foot bend trailing knee so it nearly touches floor.
3. Push off with front foot to return to starting position.
4. Repeat for the desired number of reps and change legs.

7th Day rest
then repeat

Make sure to watch your diet intake and also review the times for your running and distance. try to challenge your self so it doesn't become boring.

Hope that helps  
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