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Change of position and training

2016/7/16 9:55:56

Hi, I'm Matt. I live in Manchester, England, and have been playing rugby for about 6 years. I'm 5'7'', 12 stone, and having played winger for all of my rugby career I feel, due to my kind of unsuitable build, I should change position. I have been considering moving to flanker. Could you suggest a suitable position for me - I have decent pace, good handling and can tackle well. I would be greatly appreciative if you could point me in the direction of a particular position relating to my size, build and characteristics, and could you suggest some form of training (maybe a plan) for that position.
Many thanks.

Hi Matt,

Flanker is a pretty heavy change from winger. Also every man and his dog wants to be a flanker. I would think that you would be better served just moving into outside center, center or 1st 5. At least the transition will not be quite so foreign to you. It seems a waste of 6 years learning the backs game.

I don't prescibe "plans" mate. I always suggest going to a good gym getting a qualified trainer and working with your coach.

Actually what does you coach say about all this? Are you sure you aren't just being too hard on yourself. I assume that if you are getting regular selection at wing then your coach thinks you are good for the job.
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