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Flanker Training

2016/7/16 9:55:55

Hi Nick,
Just to give you an idea, I am 191cm and 84/85Kg and 22 years.
I have two months left of pre season left and my Fitness and conditioning coach is hammering us with massive runs on the beach and dunes and as far as I know he will be moving us onto sprinting/agility pretty soon.
I was hoping that you could suggest some weight training exercises good for a flanker? I want to stay agile but also put on a few kg of muscle before game time so that I will have good power in the rooks and mauls etc
Any advice will be appreciated.



As per my Bio I don't prescribe work out routines. I always tell individuals to use the gym to get a trainer: qualified and experienced in a contact sport like rugby.

Get the trainer to work with you on a whole solution for you based on your current strength and fitness level. You should be starting with a test of all aspects so you can set goals and measure success.

Also factor in a well balanced healthy diet, rest and sleep routine. On top of weights, running/sprints and flexibility make sure to add in agility exercises and personal ball skill drills.
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