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rugby club

2016/7/16 9:55:55

I am a 20 year old female and played rugby for one year senior year so i never really got the chance to learn and work as a team. So now having the rugby bug i want to get that chance again and start from scratch so to speak and was wondering if there was anything like a 'starting rugby' club or if clubs do provide that i live in Canada Alberta thank you for your time
cheers, Syd

Hi Sydney

I would be surprised if Alberta didn't have a womens' rugby club. I do not know the area but I suggest using Google to search "womens' rugby" and "Alberta" to see the response you get. Rugby is very social so I would approach a club to see about getting joined and go from there.

If there are no clubs you might try getting assistance from the Canadian Rugby administration for setting up a team, club or league. Try the YMCA too.  
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