I am wondering what position in rugby I should play
2016/7/16 9:55:53
I am new to the sport of rugby, but I have played American Football for about 4 years, Im 15 5''5 and 123 pounds, I am pretty fast but I have always had a more of a defensive personality and attitude, which has made me a solid and aggressive tackler. This is going to be my first year playing rugby and I am playing in a club that has people who are older and bigger than me. So what position do you think I should play.
Hi Dave, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I really can't tell you which position to play at this point. I suggest having a constant line of communication with your team coach and always ask for feed back. Being new to the game you may take a season or two to find your place and learn the game. Focus on the basics like tackling (it is different in rugby)passing and catching. I highly suggest owning and reading the book "Rugby for Dummies" this is a great 101 book aimed at the USA market. Amazon has it.
Focus on the basics, make it to training, ask a lot of questions, ask if a mentor can be assigned to you, ask to have someone stay back after training for 15-20 minutes to answer questions and help with one on one training.
UTube has some great rugby training videos and try to view rugby on TV after learning the rules and reading Rugby for Dummies, team mates might have some games on video or you can find games on line at Rugby websites that stream games both live and older games.
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