stand in hooker
2016/7/16 9:55:52
i am the starting LH prop on my team when we have our normal front row in place but lately our hooker has been getting injured a lot and not playing, when this happens i am put in as hooker as i am shorter than the other prop, my question involves both technique for hooking in the scrum and more so for throwing in at lineout where i struggle to keep a wet ball straight, any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated...
Hi Joe,
Below is a previous answer about hooking in the scrum it should cover what you need to know as well as the links provided with regard to scrummaging. I suggest looking over my previously answered questions as well the subject headings are a good indicator as to the content of the question.
As for line outs a wet ball is tough. See if the lineman is open to carrying a towel to wipe it or get the water boy / coach to have a towel handy for the lineouts.
The key thing is to make sure you have fixed target. Work with your jumpers. Ask them to consider their hands as "targets". A drill we used was to have a jumper hold a paper plate with a bullseye on it in their hands. The jumper holds the plate in both hands and you focus on that spot. You can then dial it in more so the jumper can choose to hold the plate up high or down low so he can beat the opposition jumper.
With no "plate" he needs to touch his thumbs and forefinger together to create a diamond as your new target / bullseye. Practice, practice, practice. You will need to stay after training sometimes to make sure you nail it.
When throwing make sure to keep your elbows together and make the throw a swift punch-like movement. keep you hands up at the release an watch the ball through your fingers fly to your target.
Here is a good link on Utube about the throw in. Use Utube for training videos like this:
The previously answered question about hooking in the scrum:
Question: Hi. Just a line to see if you can help. I play hooker and was wondering if you have any tips. I'm fine with line-outs and in the contact situation and my ball handling is good but I'm having problems in the scrum,getting pressured too many times and finding hooking the ball difficult on my put-in.
Answer: Hi Scott
I will put some links to help but in the scrum it sounds like you need to utilize your props more.
Start with the binding. You need to create more room for you to hook. Your tight head needs to bind first. He should stand directly behind you, reach around you and get a firm grip and then step out to your right and pop his shoulder. He should be square to the opposition but his hips, shoulders and feet need to all be ahead of you while having a tight bind. You might even have your hips on a slight angle to the left which is ok.
Your loose head then bind up , just the same method but to your right, only the loose heads should be slightly "behind" you. His feet behind your, hips with should well popped out and a tight grip. His feet need to be just a little wider than his shoulders to allow the ball through.
The loose head has the job of trying to push the opposite tighthead up and keep a bigger tunnel. On the engage the tight head needs to lead in and with all this you will have a better angle and more room to hook.
Try hooking with you right leg, if you aren't already.
Here are some links:
My favourite:
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