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Kicking Conversions

2016/7/16 9:55:44

Why do rugby kickers put the ball on the tee the opposite way from american
football kickers? It seems to be put on the tee with the top point leaning

I am not a kicking expert by any means Kevin but I believe it has to do with the shape of the ball and the fact that in rugby you are often kicking towards the post from an angle. In rugby the ball is taken back from the point the try was grounded to make the kick.

The shape of the ball allows for better accuracy in rugby as does the angled run up "kicking around the corner".

In Football the kick is taken in front of the posts and the ball's pointy shape means that placing the ball pointing back makes for better contact with the kicker's foot. The run up is straight on to the ball usually.

A long time ago rugby did the same thing with a dead on run up (the "Toe Hack")to kick but technique simply evolved over time.  
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