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Fear of tackling

2016/7/16 9:55:40

Hi Josh,
      I may sound pathetic saying this but I have a real fear of tackling! Over the past 4 years of playing rugby I have broken my colar bone and dislocated my shoulder twice. These were both sustained by rugby tackling other players. Even though my injury list is small my friends are advising me to stop playing but unfortunatly for me I love the sport too much!

This year I have been called up to the third team as I have just finished with the under 17's. Do you have any advice that you could give me about getting over my fear because it is really holding me back as I play on the wing. The tries are good but the tackling really lets me down! I really hope you can help me!



That's not pathetic at all ben, its all part of the game.

Firstly, to be honest I once was terrified of tackling but now i'm one of the best at my club, also I have plenty of injuries like damaged muscle tissue and a broken, tibia and fibula from one tackle.

Secondly, don't listen to your friends, just look at Johnny Wilkinson how many injuries he has had and look how he tackles.


The best thing to get away the fear of tackling is practice after practice work on small guys then big guys, when they are running into you hit them as hard as you can with your shoulder and it will not hurt it will feel great because you have just made a big tackle.(make sure its round the legs)

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