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Prop Questions

2016/7/16 9:55:37


Saw some of your other posts on scrummaging and would like to get some of the material you said you have. If you have any stuff on prop play in the open field it would greatly appreciated, too.  One of your responses on the website said  you have ".pdf's" for scrummaging.

I'll give you a little more info on myself...I'm 24 years old and play Division 1 in NY for the Long Island Rugby Football Club.  We compete with NYAC and Old Blue and have occasionally qualified for NRUs and Nationals.  Right now I'm the 3rd prop...the first reserve shall we say.  This is my first full season with the club and I want to make a big push toward cracking the starting front line.  I'm putting in the fitness time and believe that to make an impression it's going to have to be on the field.  I am by far the fittest of our other 3 props (2 starting and another B side guy).  I know you don't know me, my game or my team...but do you have any advice on how to take the game to the next level?  How to impress coaches and crack that starting roll?  Or maybe even some words about the importance of being the first reserve...so I can embrace that roll.



Hi Greg,

No worries I am happy to give what ever advice I can.

I suggest going over all my old answered questions and looking for scrum related subject to read. Also I have provided some links below.

Here is a link of technique  / body position which you should treat as your gospel:





Also there are some great pointers on UTube. If you go to UTube and search using the key words: "building the scrum" you will find a great set of videos about scrum technique originally from www.rugbydevelopment.com Get the whole team to view them.

Keep looking on Utube for video by Mike Cron and other professional coaches about scrum technique.

Being a reserve is tough, the best thing to do is just focus on your own game. Ask a lot of questions of your coaches what they are looking for what they want to see from you. Be focussed and work hard to do the basics well. Lift your work rate for tackles, hitting rucks and mauls but also aim to be efficient.

Study professional rugby a lot. Nothing is better than viewing professional rugby and keeping an eye on the props and what they do on the field both at the break down and between plays.

Don't just aim to be better than another player in you team set your own standards so your own play is never dictated my another player.

Also in the modern game being first reserve is really being an impact player. Aim to run on and make a statement. Really hit that first scrum, be ferocious coming on. You have had the whole first half usually to study the opposition from the side line and find weaknesses. Run on and really take advantage of that.  

Play a heads up game, look to run off rucks and mauls call for the ball and if you are needed in the ruck or maul hit it hard (head/eyes up)

Work on your lifting (see Utube as well) in lineouts and work hard on the field.

I hope this helps
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