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Scrum Halfs role in a ruck or maul.

2016/7/16 9:55:31


I play scrum half for my local U14 team.

In a ruck situation, can the opposition charge me as soon as the ball comes out?, as soon as I touch it? or as soon as I play it?

I need similar advice for the maul please.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Tom,

The thing is that I could tell you but the real fact is that each ref has their own way of calling it. So prior to the game the ref usually calls over the front row to go over the scrum calls and to address the captain.  Accompany your captain and get him to ask the ref how he calls the rucks and mauls. Thank the ref and politely ask him to make sure the opposition knows how he calls it if he hasn't already.

Technically I believe that you can only be charged on if you have at least one hand on the ball.
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