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playing lock

2016/7/16 9:55:21

hello i play lock though i am only about 5'11" and weight about 170 lbs i was just wondering if you have any tips for me since this is my first year playing rugby and my couch has me with another lock that is about 6'3" so a just need any tips you have
thank you

Hi Pete,

Being a "short" lock is not an issue on the rugby field. Your bio-mechanics are actually better for the scrum, maul, clearing rucks, tackling etc. The only place your height is potentially an issue is the line out. This can be overcome if you have taller lifters than the opposition. Typically you should jump at number 2 in the line out where height is of less an impact. 4 inches is the difference between you and the other lock. I bet that if you where to measure from your hip to your hand the difference between you each might be 2 inches. With your lifters involved this difference in height is almost negligible.

Work with your lifters to get their grips as low as possible on you. The front lifter at just above your knee (if that is allowed) and the rear lifter at just under your butt.

Look at figure 3 and 4 of the link below. Always make sure your lifters are locking their arms straight as these pictures are not as good as i would like to see, the elbows are a little too bent...


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