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Distance Passing

I'm a 13 year old boy in Australia and play scrum-half for my school team. I'm a little worried about my passing. At anything around or under 7 metres my passing is great but as soon as I try to put some distance and power in to it the passes go haywire. I either throw high floating passes or my accuracy goes out the window. Any help?

Hi Andrew,

7 meters is pretty good for a 13 year old player. However to make gains past that you will need to practice a lot. get a mate and a big bag of balls get your mate to move out to the point you are best at putting the ball. One step at a time get your team mate to move out and don't move him out until you are hitting it right consistently - say 5 out of 5.

Make sure you are passing through the hips and engaging your core muscles.

Passing is like anything it simply takes a lot of practice - Hookers have to do a lot of throw-in's before they can nail a lob or a long throw to the back.

Engage a team mate, dad, brother etc to spend real quality time practicing. If you are at a club see if the best passing halfback can take you aside for an hour for one on one.

If you can get someone to video your passing in practice and during a game this is really useful.  

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