Should I stay at Prop?
I am 6' 3'' and 235lbs. I am a freshman at a Texas college, playing rugby for my
second year. I was wondering if I should stay at prop or if there is another
position that would be better for me? Thanks
G'day Ben,
If you are getting regular games at prop I would stay there you have the physique for it (I will include some links to help)
Hit the weights, eat well, sleep well, and stay fit and flexable and you will be a great prop. A prop rarely matures until he is 25+ and a good prop can peek at 30.
If YOU don't like prop ask yourself WHY? If it is just an experience thing give it a chance. If you are actually ok at prop and still don't like it them move to another position blind side flanker or # 8 could suite you IF you have speed.
I say say stay at prop, get religious about it, get into the tecnique and study games and great players. A good prop is never alone in rugby. And every wanna be rugby star wants to play flanker or #8 their first year.
Find the sick, dark pleasure out of being a prop and go with it mate. It can be a fully hard core thing. (can you tell I like prop?)
Start by studying the links I provide and then watch as much good rugby as you can and get someone to video your technique at practice and games to see how you stack up against the pros.
The links:
Scroll to the bottom of the articles for even more links about propping.
Positioning problems
getting back into rugby and fitness