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Scrum-half tactics/strategies

QUESTION: I am playing as a scrum-half in a small rugby club. Are there any strategies to unsettle the other scrum-half putting the ball in which is legal? I have tried hitting his backhand or making threats and perhaps putting my hand on his but are there any more strategies that may be more effective? And how do i win back the ball more effectively and successfully if it is an opponent scrum?

ANSWER: Hi Nick,

There really isn't much more you can do. The put-in is a fairly straight forward affair you have to just let the play happen and put pressure on the other half back especially if the scrum turns.

If you feel the ball is being put in under the hoockers feet get the ref involved.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for answering my previous question.  I just want to know if the scrum turns in a way that the opponent scrum half is on the blind side wing, what am i supposed to do then? Also, i have read some websites that when the ball gets put into the scrum, the ball cannot be spinning. i would just like to have more clarification on that?


ANSWER: Hi the ball cab be rolled in but you can't spin the tips of the ball arounds its center. Put the ball in by holding the ends nad roll it in.

As fo rthe scrum spinning if the ball ends up on the far side of the scrum you have to move around your side of the scrum to the other side but keep it simple and just hang by the other half back as he puts it in and move with him, make the ref call it, the ref will often miss it and reset the scrum.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi so what happens if i have not put the ball in and my scrum is getting pushed back? Does that mean its a penalty to my side?

No just get behind your scrum and be ready if the ball does come out, if the opposition wins your ball be ready for their half back to have a run with the ball, he could go down the blind side so talk with your hooker before the game. Tell him if the ball is won by th opposition he neeads to yell a call to let you know to expect a counter attack from the opposition.  

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