coaches taking slap shots at players
QUESTION: What's your view on coaches (full grown males) taking full force slap shots on goalies at the PeeWee level? We've got a coach who seems to have issues and is leaving my kid with bruises. Latest one was to the shoulder area and the coach just said "oh well, you've got pads".
ANSWER: Hi Tom...
In my opinion, I certainly agree with you in that I DO NOT feel it is right! Unless the player insists on it to improve himself, knowing they CAN handle it... then maybe there could be an exception.
If I were them, I'd be concerned about liability should they injure the goalie. Especially now since you "brought it up"!
I would certainly ask them to refrain from this and even "report" this activity to your league officials... "for the record".
The game is meant for FUN -- not for tormenting players or parents!
Hope this helps!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Should I be able to report the incident (s) through USA Hockey?
Hi Tom!
you would think you could eh? -
I searched their site a bit and could not find any "easy" contact method...
However here is a link to a list of people you can maybe voice your concerns to and see what they say:
Hope this helps!
begining hockey
ccm skates