speed/ getting noticed by scouts
Hi I'm Cameron. I'm 14 and him wondering how to get faster on ice.
I'm also wondering how to get notice by scouts so i can play at a higher level of hockey.
To get faster you should look into plyometrics and other off ice training. When I was in high school I read a book called complete conditioning for ice hockey and it helped me A LOT. I not only learned how to properly exercise for hockey, but also proper nutrition and WHY I should exercise and eat right. It was a great book and I still use the knowledge to this day. There is an updated version and it is pretty cheap on amazon, so ask your parents to pick it up. This one also comes with a DVD that shows you how to do all the workouts, here is the link http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001OQUMVG?ie=UTF8&tag=wwwplentyofpu-20&l...
Also to get noticed by scouts you first need to try out for the top level teams and make the teams. If you want to make the best team in your area you need to work very hard in the off season and come back a better player. Usually scouts for leagues that you get drafted into will only go to the top level tournaments, so that is why you should always try out, and play for the highest level you can.
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tryout info