QuestionWhat exactly does it mean? also how do they understand the play when the QB say gibber gabber stuff? AnswerThe 3-4 and the 4-3 are the base alignm
does the other team get a touchdown?
Questionif a player mistakenly runs the ball into the other teams end-zone does it count as a touch down forthe opposite team? AnswerIt counts as a safety
Questionwhat is a blitz and who blitzes and how does it work? AnswerRosemary, in general a blitz is when more than four defenders try and rush the passer.
QuestionBill, Could you give me some incite as to the definition of the eagle allignment and what is the purpose. Thank you AnswerThe Eagle is a 5-
QuestionHi Bill its been a few years since i have played football and was wondering if you could help me with something. I cant seem to remember all the ni
wanting to play college football
QuestionI wasnt very good during high school football. I was a senior 510 180lbs Defensive Ends back up to a junior. I wasnt contact by
Question------------------------- Followup To Question - ------------------------- Followup To Question - Dear Coach Louis, I dont condition as much
QuestionCoach, I am the head coach at Coloma HS MI. I was wondering what type of books, notes, playbooks, drills ect you have ont he double slot O? Thank
Questionare you aloud to push a quarterback in the endzone AnswerIf you mean push a ballcarrier (QB or not) into the endzone, then no, Helping the Runner
QuestionHi iam 12 yrs old. i like football very much but dont understand what a decleater is or a pancake what can i do to set a recorded in decleaters or
QuestionHello Bill, I am curious as to why no team has signed up Kerry Collins and do you think he will still be playing football? AnswerNo one has
QuestionDear Coach, Im currently a freshman at a junior high in michigan( high school doesnt start untill 10th grade in my district). Im about 59, 180 lbs
Question------------------------- Followup To Question - Coach Lewis I have been around football most of my 25 years of life.I played some in jr high,b
QuestionI am a private QB coach just getting back into things after 10 years away from the game. I can still teach all of the fundamentals very well and so
QuestionOk so i wanna kno how fast and strong i should be as a 10th grade WR im just shy of 62. so Im wondering how fast i should be running a 40, and how
want to be a high school tight end
Questionhi Coach Louis Im just going to high school and want to try out for tight end. Im practicing over the summer but I dont think Im ready. Is there an
QuestionI cant find anything to find if a forward lateral is legal or illegal. The version of a forward lateral Im concerned with is can a quarterback thro
QuestionNo difference between the two? Hmmmm! You likened them to a tailback and a fullback being running backs. Wouldnt you agree that fullbacks do much m
Questioni need tips on how to backpeddle AnswerDear Jamar, The ability to run backwards, or to backpedal, is an essential technique for both the defensive
QuestionIys me again! This time I wanted to know if you had any tips to help me run the 40 faster AnswerDear chris, You need to get your PARENTS, your C
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