Intentional Grounding
Dear Vic,
What is the "incentive" for a QB who knows he is going to get sacked for *NOT* intentionally grounding the ball? The current college penalty is loss of down and placement of the ball where the grounding occurred. This is the same outcome if the QB tried to bide by rule and got sacked, i.e., tackled for a loss and it is the next down. I think the college penalty should mimic the NFL rule, i.e.. loss of down and 10 yards? from spot of the foul.
What is the NCAA logic in having such a light penalty?
Ken Wong
The logic sometimes escapes me, but remember the rules are written by coaches who make up the NCAA Rules committee. The logic is in part out of tradition. Since the "Rules committee" first came into being and from the late 1890s forward the college rules had always been distinguished as the tradition rule and resisted following the professional rule. This is starting to change as the game changes and becomes more sophisticated. In fact the intentional grounding/illegal forward pass rules did follow the original professional rules. Under the "old college rule" the ball would have belonged to the defense at the previous spot.
Under the current rules it would depend if the grounding was done to conserve time or yardage. This would effect the clock. If to conserve yardage the clock stops; if to conserve time the clock starts on the ready.
Girls playing football.