have you ever heard of Beast Formation!
Hey Coach Louis, how are you doing. It's me Coach Albiso again I didn't read those books but I did read "Coaching Football" by Tom Flores and Bob O'Connor. It was a great insight on stuff I didn't even think important like the kicking game and special teams etc, it really broke stuff down for me. I don't think I will be getting that Head Coaching position for the Varsity level I was telling you about. On the other hand this Beast formation I was mentioning is a modified Wing-T, but I think it works better for the youth level I'm coaching at. Please give me a follow up on this formation or any other formation that would be good for 7th and 8th graders. Thanks again,
Coach Albiso.
Dear Coach Albiso,
I am glad you have not given-up on becoming a Head Football Coach. Good for you!
Well, the two books you read are a good start. Don't worry about not getting the job opening you applied for, there will be others jobs. And next time you will be better prepared for them.
I am going to need more information. The seventh and eighth graders you are coaching, are they on a tackle team or flag team?
Coach Louis.
3-4 defense
usmc football player