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Coach, I need some direction. I'm a senior in Highschool,but to my disadvantage,my highschool did not have a football team. I want to play on the next level. What do coaches look for when looking at starting running backs?

Dar -

Well, it really is difficult for me to answer that for you buddy.  The reality is that every coach is different.  There are so many factors to consider when looking for players. I could sit here and write everything and anything I could think of, but that wont help you much.

Here is what I would suggest.  Before anything, start narrowing down where you might want to go to school.  Not play football, go to school - to learn something.  What does each school have as far as majors / minors?  Where are they - would you like to live there for 4 years? Once you have that list, then take a look at their football programs.  IF you want to play RB, youll have to look at the coach, what offense they run, who they have now, etc.  That is the only way to really know the answer to your question.  

Here is a god example of what I am saying.  Lets make up 2 schools.  The first runs an offense that is primarily run based.  They have 2 TEs in most of the time, and only 1 WR.  A starting back in that offense will need to be a great runner, with most likely a combo of some speed and power.  He will have to have great vision, and be able to take a beating since he probably will carry the ball 20-30 times a game.  Now, take school two.  Lets say they run a spread offense, that throws 75% of the time.  When they do run, its more of a wide open, run around you style.  Most of the time, the RBs are either receivers out of the backfield or runners for draws and delays. So in that offense, the RB will be a better pass catcher, with more speed than others.  But probably cant run 25x a game.

See what I am saying here?  There is no BLUEPRINT by which a coach can create a RB without knowing his role in the offense. Look, in the end, to play in college, you will need to be an exceptional athlete first and foremost. Quick, powerful, agile, and have great football instincts.  Out of the 100 BEST high school players in the area you live in, MAYBE 5-7 will go to play in college. And that is ALL college, divisions 1-3!   The average is about 1% of good players go to Division 1.  It is VERY TOUGH, especially if you havent been playing ball in HS, for whatever reason.  But it is possible.  EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, but possible. If you have those basic things, you have a shot.  Look into the schools first, then narrow your search down by football programs if you want.  Dont be afraid to call and try to meet with the coaches.  Find out what they want.  Go to the horses mouth, so to speak. Maybe they will talk to you, maybe they wont. But it cant hurt to try right?

Best wishes

Coach Perl

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