Kick Off
QUESTION: Can a team free kick a kick off, or must htey use a kicking tee? If they can free kick, must the kicker just make cantact before the LOS (40 yard line in High School)?
ANSWER: I am not sure I understad your question as you use the term "free kick " which is a term of art not being used correctly. If you are asking if a kicker can punt a free kick the answer is no. By rule a free kick must be kicked as a kick off or field goal - following a fair catch.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Actually, let me restate: Can you punt a kick off?
ANSWER: FOLLOW UP --- LINK, there is a rule in the National Federation Rule Book that prohibits punting on free kick downs unless following a safety. Rule 6-1-2 was amended in 2000 and it provides that "a punt may not be used for a free kick other than after a safety". If your punter can master a "drop kick" then you can put the ball in play by a drop kick as a free kick. See Rule 2-23-3; 2-23-5 & 6.
For a free kick (i.e. kick off) other than following a safety rule Rule 2 provides a free kick / kick off is any place kick or drop kick. So the ball must touch the ground at some point (i.e. resting on the ground or on a tee on the ground; or as with a drop kick, the ball touches the ground and as it rises up from the ground on its bounce the ball is kicked).
Hope this helps.
Vic Winnek
Football Referee
NCAA & Federation
Thanks for the question. I had a feeling that is what you were trying to ask but wanted to make sure. I am assuming you are asking about the Federation Rules (high school). The answer is NO.
You can not punt on a Free Kick Kick off except after a safety. This is by rule. This question was previously asked about 3 weeks ago by a high school coach and I have had 3 other inquiries. My question to you is why did you ask? Is there an article or a topic from a coaches clinic that suggests this? If you have any further questions please feel free to Ask.
Good luck,
Victor Winnek
Football Official (Referee & Line Judge)
NCAA & National Federation
California Football Officials Association
Western Collegiate Football Officials Association
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I'm a coach for 10 and 11 year olds and I was promoted (?) to Special Teams Coordinator. At this age, our kids can punt better than they can kick off of a tee. Another question: Where is the LOS for the receiving team on a kick off? I know they generally line up at the 10 yard mark, but can they surge forward before the kicker makes contact with the ball? Thinking of sending the outside linemen upfield. Just thinking of different ideas.
I presume the rules you will use are the National Federation rules and not the NCAA. The kicking team will kick off from the 40 yardline. The receiving team's restraining line is the 50 yardline. The receivers may NOT encroach into the 10 yard neutral zone prior to the kick.
The kicker may not punt the ball for a kick off unless following a safety.
College Football Question
coaching football with no previous experience