QUESTION: dear Andrew,
my name is gunner, i am playing varsity football(9th grade) football this year, I am 5'5 120,and im not the biggest on my team but im confused what i wanna play QB? WR? DB? im pretty good at DB and really good at WR, and Good at QB, I am confused also about my teammates, they pick on people even,me if we played like a team we'd finsh undefeated instead of 3 losses. There is also better people than me at those positions and i have 0% confidence because everyone is saying i cant do it, im not good enough, and my dad puts too much pressure on me I am stressed out, and i want to lay HS football in a few yrs too. I don't think i will be big enough and thats another confidence drainer, And maybe play college ball too
Please help me out
ANSWER: I'm a little confused as to your real issue here....Please think about it & then send me a message back....Thanks, Andy
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: sorry andrew, Its my confidence, its so low , i dont have it to play, becuz of the pressure my dad puts on me,becuase of what other people say,
what can I do to have a high confidence?
OK, your challenge....Sit down w/ you dad & tell him you wish to talk seriously about something. Also speak in private w/ your coach. Express your views, respecfully, & fully. Ask them for their help not critical words....
Explain to them you wish to excel & succeed but you need their professionalism, guidance, & leadership.....
Good luck, Andy
football dreams
touchback or safety