how to get my upper body stronger
I'm 5'10 weigh about 225 i play D tackle but i can only bench 95 i am a freshman in HS but i want to start next season. so what could i do to get my upper body stronger.
if your looking to work on just upper body, theres a number of things you can do. these are all good football exercises, and if your not sure how to do them, google them or look them up on youtube, there's plenty of videos of people demonstrating them on there.
bench press: very important ( all the way down to your chest)
incline bench press:
dumbell press:
lateral pull downs
laterall pull downs high to low, low to high:
calf raises:
barbell squats
barbell curls
dumbell curls
hammer curls
dead lifts:
anything that works your abs and hip flexor, such as dumbell sit ups, or medicine ball workouts.
these are all great exercises. if you do 4 sets of each, 4-10 reps each( 4 for max strength gain, 10 for endurance, as a DT, you wanna go for 4-6, but endurance helps) and workout 3-4 days a week only. NO MORE then 4. your muscles only grow and get bigger and stronger when there resting. your harming your self if you workout more then that and dont get any rest. do this and you'll have a much stronger body.
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