football (soccer) weight gain
hello my name is siraj
and i am 16 years old
i was told by my coach that i am a great player with amazing skill but that i lack strengh physically and that i need to gain weight (only 60kg) and im quite tall.
so please is there any way that i can gain weight for strengh with out it being useless junk....
also any strengh training that can benefit me
please none of the increase strengh but decrese speed
please help me as im very close to becoming a proffectional.
please help me
thank you in advance
well siraj, my expertise is in the ameirican football league, not with soccer. but I have played rep soccer so I can try to help you. well to start things off, weight training does not make you slower. it makes you faster, stronger and heavier. as long as your doing cario and aerobic exercise along with the weight training, you will not get any slower or stay at the same speed level. you can only go up. Im not sure if you have facilities or equipment available to you, but if you dont, you will not be able to weight train. using your body weight ( pushups, situps etc..) will only get you so far, and hardly make you physically stronger, it will only make you handle your own body weight stronger. but if oyu do have equipment and facilities available to you, your going to have to ask a coach or a friend who knows what theyre doing to show you and teach you, because i cant do that through a computer. If you know some exercises and how to do them, go ahead. but for more exercises and how to do them, i would reccomend using google or youtube. they work very well.
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Trying to becoma a Strong Safety