Best speed rush moves
Hey, I've been playing defensive end since 7th grade, but after a major shoulder injury last season, I have been placed at an angle on the tackle so I can use my 4.8 speed to really get around people, but I can't use the swipe move really well anymore just because I'm coming at an angle now, even though a bull rush works well since I'm 6'2" and 235 pounds, and I have exceptional strength, but now I'm almost solely as a pass rusher, and I was wondering what would be the best possible move to get past the tackle, and get to the quarterback.
Well, I call it the under hook, some call it the "rip". Where you rush and rip up thru the outside shoulder of the tackle. Understand there are a lot of moves to get past the tackle, but it depends on your responsibilities in the defensive play that is called.
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