Hey there, Coach. I previously asked which position you thought I would be most suited for, and you answered tight end. I was fine with the idea of playing it, but my coach and teammates have been hinting towards fullback. Because I previously played O-line so I can block fine, and I can truck while running the ball occasionally. I am 6'0 and a little over 200 pounds. I'm strong, fast, and can read defenses well. Seeing as how I have 3 seasons left in high school, I was wondering if you had any tips for the position, also if you know any schools that are interested in offensive backfield players. Thank you in advance.
- Adam
Dear Adam Bastug,
Are you sure this is what you want to do? A fullback can help block in the backfield but a tight-end can be a game breaker. A tight-end with speed and size can be a major headache to the defense.
There are tons of running backs around the nation but there are very few good tight-ends. A tight-end that can block and has speed is worth his weight in gold.
Your friend,
PS Let me know if you still want to be a tight-end and I will help you.
Position and Chances