how to get noticed
hey, i was wondering how i could get my name out there for a football scholorship. i live in upper michigan and am a sophmore. i play qb and have a pretty good arm. how do i get recruiters attention?
1. Have a work-ethic that makes others say they could never see themselves work that hard.
2. Be an athlete. Yes, colleges are looking for quarterbacks, but they are looking for athletes. Play other sports. One sport can get you noticed in another.
3. Get bigger, faster and stronger than the competition.
4. Be outstanding academically. If you have two equally talented players with the same numbers, the players with the grades wins.
5. If you are college material you will be found. This magical recruiting services are usually a scam, unless they are free.
6. Get your Head Coach to be an advocate for you and send your name to colleges.
7. DO NOT SEND OUT HIGHLIGHT FILMS. Simply, coaches get tons of these and do not need a collage of a every great play you make. Furthermore, they are going to mute the music track that everyone puts on these. If you are asked for film, send them the two best games from your junior year with your jersey color and number.
8. I'll mention it again. Have an unwavering work-ethic. Push yourself harder than you are physically able. Do an extra squat when you legs are rubber. Run an extra sprint when you lungs say no.
You can become what you want, but only with the proper drive.
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