What is the ruling on a player taunting another player... Scenario: Offensive player getting ready to score a touchdown, turns around at the 5 yrd. line and taunts the chasing defensive player. Is it a touchdown with the penalty enforced on the extra pt or kick-off, or is it a spot penalty at the 5 yrd line with a 15 yrd. mark-off?
Under NCAA rules as of this year [2011] taunting or unsportsmanlike conduct fouls (UNS) are treated like any other "live ball" foul. Bases on your question, this year the UNS foul would be enforced from the 6 yardline where the foul occurred. The offensive team would be penalized 15 yards from the spot of the foul [the 5 yard line]. The touchdown would not count. The clock would start on the snap. Last year it would have been a live ball foul treated as a dead ball foul and enforced on the try.
Roughing the Passer
tapped pass by offense