Intentional grounding rule
If a college quarterback takes the snap and drops back and runs outside the tackles and then runs back inside the tackles and then throws the ball away out of bounds while still inside the tackles is this still Intentional grounding and why?
In your play, it is not intentional grounding because th epasser is deemed to have been outside the Tackle box. The reason is it not intentional grounding is by rule 7-3-2-f (exception) once the passer "who is or has been outside the tackle box" throws a pass that goes beyond th eline of scrimmage there is no intentional grounding. The key is the pharse in the rules "or has been outside the tackle box. Thank you for your question. This is an excellent question that most people don't know. The reason it is not goundinding, again is simple because of the "exception" to the rule.
Thank you for the question
on side kick/touched ball