2nd down and 5yds to go. Offense has an holding penalty 5yds behind the los on the 2nd down play. During the play a def. player had a late hit on the QB on an incomplete pass. How is the penalty accessed?
Hello Mark,
Let me just Put the question in here for other readers: 2nd down and 5 yds to go for a first down. During the play, The offense has a holding call that is 5 yds behind the line of scrimmage and the defense has a late hit on the Quarterback, but it was an incomplete pass. How is the penalty accessed?
Although, these penalties are different in yardage accessed (10 yds for holding and 15 yds for a late hit on the quarterback), they are both considered "within the play" penalties. They are off setting penalties. The ball goes back to the original line of scrimmage and replay the down.
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