finding the Center of Gravity
Hey, I purchased a Columbia Bedlam, that has the CG kicked 4 inches off line with the Pin an MB, before I actually Drill the Ball I am trying to find out how to find the Center on a DODO SCALE just to Verify the center is where it is supposed to be, can you give me a hand on how to check it? I have No trouble with a drilled ball. Thanks Eric
You can find the CG just as you would weigh a drilled ball. Draw the horizontal and vertical line through the CG. It might help to draw thumb and finger holes on the ball, but weigh the ball as you normally would. If it is marked correctly, you will find zero as you rotate the ball. If you rotate the ball and find an imbalance, then the CG mark needs to be moved in the opposite direction. Mark it and weigh it again.
Good luck,
thumb release
Thumb pain after Bowling