Ball Weight
Hello Chip, my question is that I'm a beginning Bowler and while Bowling several games the other day, I started with a 16# and did terrible, I then went down to a 14# and did a little better, so then I went to a 12# and did outstanding. On my way out of the Bowling Ally, I stopped at the Pro Shop and told the guy there the same thing and he told me that I shouldn't go any smaller than a 14#, but my friend is a pretty good bowler and he said that I should stay with the 12#. What ball weight should I use and if I buy a ball, what would be the best ball for me to get. ( I use the conventional grip and don't care about the cost. ) Thanks..
You want to buy the heaviest ball that you can hold in your palm with the elbow placed at your side. The elbow should be bent at a 90 degree angle. The palm should be facing up. Do not place your fingers in the ball for this test. Keep in mind, 13# bowling balls are available.
Good luck,
Bowling ball types
Ball & Layout selection